Friday, February 2, 2007

Week Two Day Three

The last day of week two and I did it! My legs defiantly need these two days of rest, especially they way that they are feeling right now. I ran on the nature walk way like always and today wasn't much better compared to Wednesday when my leg problems started.

I started off by stretching really well to make sure my legs weren't all messed up like they were on Wednesday. During the warm up walk they felt pretty good, but during the first running interval they felt really heavy and just not right. I continued through all the intervals and through it all they felt fine. I ran all the intervals perfectly until the very last one where my legs started to hurt again. During the cool down walk they were hurting just as bad if not worse then Wednesday. I hobbled back to my apartment and did my version of R.I.C.E. First I elevated them and it hurt to even do that so I stopped and was looking for a way to ice them (No ice in the apartment ever.) I finally figured that I would just turn the tub on cold and sit in it (FREEEEEZING) which is what I ended up doing. After they were nice and numb I went back to elevating them and they felt alot better after the ice. But now walking around a few hours later there is a sharp pain when I step in my knees.
Overall its a pretty big bummer to feel this bad so early on. I'm going to move on next week and really rest over these two days off.

Miles to date: 12.9



Darrell said...

Good idea with the cold bath. Don't be afraid to repeat a week if you need to. At this point slow and steady is the key.

Anonymous said...

Tyler, quite impressive! Don't allow the soreness in your legs to get you down though. Definitely give them time to rest and take it slowly. Stretch throughout the day if you think of it........Good luck!