Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Well, I know I have not posted here in a few weeks but I am still doing the running program. I have been home the past two weekends hanging out with friends and just chillen and didn't really have time / motivation to get to posting so I will start again tomorrow now that I am back down here and will be here till my quarter finishes. (4 weeks).

All my runs have been great and I got rid of the knee problem that I was having. Turns out the insoles that Road Runner Sports suggested were messing with something and just making me knees go nuts. Now that those are out I am running pain free and feel great.

Anyway, Roommate wants to sleep so I gotta end this. Ill post up how my 8 min. run goes tomorrow. Till then.



Anonymous said...

I was starting to get worried

Anonymous said...

Rock on, Tyler! Glad to hear that you figured out that it was something as simple as insoles- what an easy fix :)